
We know

the best way

to lose weight

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about us

Ultimate Weight Loss Clinic

If your previous attempts to lose weight have failed, it’s not because you failed.

It’s because whatever diets or regimens you tried have failed you. There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution to the weight loss issues. Varying health conditions should also be all taken into account, when tailoring a custom weight loss program for any specific client. In short, we’re sure that our extensive experience in helping people to lose that excessive weight will prove to be effective for anyone!

Losing weight

with the help of a coach is doable!

our services

Weight Loss Services

Healthy Eating

Recognizing the importance of a healthy diet, each week our clinic hosts a series of small group meetings and often offers food samples and recipes to enrich your culinary perception and routine. During those sessions, you will learn some essential grocery shopping tips, particularly about how to stock a healthy pantry, and how to prepare nutritious and tasty meals. Our weight management services take a whole-foods approach that balances optimum nutrition with real life practical concerns.

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Helping Kids

Because there’s no universal trigger and because kids all grow at different paces, spotting early telling signs of child’s obesity is hard. Also, the amount of body fat changes with age and is different if depending on whom we’re talking about – girls or boys. Still, the ultimate way to determine whether a child’s weight status is safe or not is calculating the body mass index (BMI). The BMI measures a person’s weight in relation to his or her height. The BMI of children is age- and sex-specific and known as the “BMI-for-age.”

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Surgical Solutions

During the surgery, a large segment of the stomach is removed during a minor surgical intrusion. This minimally invasive laparoscopic technique is absolutely safe and helps to remove the part of your stomach that’s responsible for generating a hunger-producing hormone. Afterwards, patients will have their appetite significantly diminished.

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affordable losing weight

Pricing Tables

1 Month

    • Weight Assessment
    • Dieting
    • Physical Activities
    • Coaching
    • Psychological Help
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6 Month

    • Weight Assessment
    • Dieting
    • Physical Activities
    • Coaching
    • Psychological Help
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and what they say

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Alexandria, VA

7087 Richmond hwy

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Losing weight is undoubtedly a harsh and long process. The one that demands a lot of resolve, but medical expertise even more than that. We’re gonna help you with both!